As promised, here are the images from the newest Memory Box release...winter, christmas and halloween images and card samples. Terri already has two classes in the works, Tuesday evening, July 20, 6-8, to make 5 Halloween cards...and Tuesday evening, August 3, to make five Christmas/winter cards. Each class is $19. We are making some of the really great cards from the Memory Box, and we are also adding some of our own original ideas. The packaged items are those double-sided sticky shapes, that you can place on your cards, etc, and add glitter, flock, or foil to...and also, Flower Soft!

Here is something that I am working on these is a work-in-progress...with a bit more to do ...but I am having fun!! All the spools are made from scratch...we have sold out of the Collections Spool set...more are due in to the store any day...but I am now using the round grungeboard shapes from Tim Holtz, along with a bit of grunge paper. I could make spools forever, they are so cool. You can completely cover the spool with old tape measure, ribbon, string, fabric strips, and add pins, string, ...don't even get me started!

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