Monday, April 12, 2010

The Artist's Spine

We all have a backbone...some ache more than young folks out there will understand this more later on. Anyway, this backbone is our spine, that set of bones that runs from head to tail, that connects to most of our ribs, that protests our nerves. It is a central part of our anatomy, and anytime there is something wrong there, we feel it immensely, and we can even get immobilized by the pain. For us, as artists, we are going to see the "spine" as defined by the other terms used for it, those being "willpower" and "courage." We say of someone, "they had the spine for that task" or "you need a strong spine to accomplish that task."
As artists, we need willpower and courage to continue on in the face of elements in the world that would slow us down or stop us altogether. We need the courage to take chances with our art, to make it, maybe even show it to other people, and yes, my goodness, even put it out there for sale!! We need willpower to sit at the art table, (Sometimes, I need the willpower to actually find my art table) and let our muses speak to us. Sometimes the voices are very low, or hesitant...Our willpower enables us to sit still and wait for the inspiration, to practice the new techniques. Maybe when we have learned something, or seen it in a video, and go to try it out, it doesn't come out as we had planned. We need to be able to persist, tweak, adjust, and repeat, and be open to lots of different outcomes.
To really learn about a project, I am discovering that I need to make more than just one sample. I need to try different colors, textures, sizes, materials...just to see what direction I really want to go in. Sometimes, I am not necessarily being creative as much as I am being scientific, experimenting... what happens if I try this?...or that? I need my courage and willpower intact to get to where I want to go. When my "spine" is out of kilter, i.e. my courage is weak or my willpower is taking a nap, things don't progress, I slow down, and I am a bit off of my path. Exercising the back muscles keeps the spine fit. Exercising our courage and willpower muscles keeps our artistic spine strong. OK, everybody, get out there and do 50 sit-ups, artistically speaking, of course!


  1. I enjoyed your post! I love the pink album!

  2. I am really enjoying your series of posts on the artist body! Thanks!

  3. Your artist posts are so interesting Kate...keep them coming.

  4. My new cat, Maddie, has selected my six inch stipple brush from my huge bag of portable supplies. So that is the implement of artistic courage and willpower I will exert this weekend! Thanks for the post, and if anyone has a spare stipple brush... Maddie would like a brush of her very own! Jenny in Beverly

  5. I need to exercise my spine in moving around my stamp room.... I think I could be much more productive in a better organized space. Have spent a bit of time in there moving piles around, and if I can set aside a couple of hours a week, I think I can get it going in the right direction!

  6. I had my back cracked this morning. It feels great for the body and soul! No more pain. Hope to be in my craft room on Sunday. Paula

  7. Due to distance I visit AE once a year. I admire the talent within. AE is a gem. Within the walls all forms and tools of Artistic Creativity can be found. Not just one or two. I read your newsletters though I am hundreds of miles away. So glad to see the expansion of your talents and store. Look forward to my spring visit. sincerely, amy
