Friday, November 29, 2013

I am delighted to say that we are once again working with the Beads For Life organization.
There are groups of women in Uganda making these paper beads all year, as a way to support themselves, their families, and their villages. This year, the Beads for Life group has created these great ornaments,  filled with handmade paper beads, in a really nice finish. Each ornament is really filled to the brim with the beads, and you can leave the beads in the ornament,  as a holiday decoration, or use them to create more ornaments, or other hanging embellishments.

Each ornament is $10, and all of this money goes to the Beads for Life organization. The store gets none of it, so it is total donation. Also, this makes a unique and great gift for your artsy friends. If you are interested but don't live nearby, we will do mail order. Please call the store for this. 978-887-6397. As we run out, we are re-ordering, so please shop early if it is a holiday gift.