Hello again. Wow, this blog thing is very new to me. Today, I will update you on the latest arrivals here at the store. I will continue to mention new items in the weekly e-mail, but there will be a more expanded description at this site.
American Crafts has new rub-ons, stored in that very cool matchbook style folder. These rub-ons come in a birthday style as well as two new Christmas designs. They also have these very different "jars" of leather-looking (but really vinyl) shapes in Christmas colors and styles.
We have received some great Christmas jingle bells, angel images in a garland form, small ornament-shaped boxes...and I am busy incorporating these and lots more into my Christmas-Album-in-a-Day Class.
New Books Just in...here are a few book reviews from yours truly. The first book is called "100 Great Ways to Use Rubber Stamps." Initially, I thought this would be a good "beginner" book. Now, having read it, I am convinced that we will all benefit from it. Beginners will learn a ton, but advanced stampers will be very motivated by the wide range of techniques included. Some of the chapters are: Stitching, bleach, collage, fabric stamping, acetate & glass, polymer clay, and so much more.
The next book is brand new and put out by a group of young women who have a website that "dares" scrapbookers to try new things. So, this book is very edgy and the styles are very contemporary. The bok is called "We Dare You" and the chapters are titled: the good, the bad, the ugly, the silly wacky funny, the random and the best. This book will definitely take you outside of your current style, and provide lots of new ideas to try.
The third book is called "Living the Creative Life" with a subtitle of "ideas and inspirations from working artists. (I am aware that, in writing, book titles get underlined, but I cannot make the computer do that in this blogplace...perhaps I will learn.) Rice Freeman Zachary is the author and has compiled sections filled with answers to "art" questions..."what is creativity," "how to keep journals, sketchbooks, etc," "opening your eyes to inspiration," and more. Both Michael deMeng and Claudine Hellmuth are featured along with many other artists. There are "tips" and "try this" sections throughout the book. It looks like a great resource to me. Come in and take a look.
We did get a bit of the Abby & Jack line from the Love, Elsie designs from KI Memories. More is due in any day now.
There are lovely new Halloween and Christmas ribbons recently in from both May Arts and Imaginisce.